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Universo MGallery

Significativos. Memorables.

En MGallery, cada viaje es una búsqueda de momentos verdaderamente valiosos. Nuestro lujo tiene significado y es auténtico. Estamos llenos de historia e inmersos en la cultura local. Ofrecemos experiencias seleccionadas como joyas preciadas. Forme parte de nuestra comunidad y descubra una forma moderna de viajar que enriquece y celebra los momentos memorables y significativos.


Más allá de descubrir hoteles con verdadero carácter, disfrute de una constelación de momentos memorables que formarán parte de su próxima historia.

  • M Moment

    M Moments are unique experiences, inspired and radiated by each destination, conveying the spirit and essence of every place. Live and collect yours.

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  • Modern Twist Design

    At MGallery, our design breathe life into spaces, reviving their character and history, weaving a living art gallery that celebrates bold originality and eclectic craft.

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  • Mixology

    Savor locally-inspired cocktails using symbolic ingredients, artfully crafted and animated by mixologists with a dash of imagination and theatre.

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  • Mindfulness

    Reconnect, realign, embrace the present moment. Immerse yourself in a collection of experiences that nurture mind and body, while elevating the spirit.

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MGallery believes in a new, more mindful way to travel, attending to every detail to meet what matters to each and every guest.

  • Committed to her

    Since 2008, the MGallery Hotel Collection draws inspiration from the strength and determination of women, actively contributing to their empowerment.

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  • Give back to community

    Shaped by and open to the diversity around us, proudly showcasing the know-how of each of our communities, we are a place that locals call their own.

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